Breast cancer is a significant health concern that affects millions of women worldwide. It continues to be the most prevalent cancer in women globally. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 2.3 million new cases of breast cancer were diagnosed worldwide in 2020, accounting for 11.7% of all cancer cases. The statistics serve as a reminder of the urgent need for awareness and education to empower individuals to take charge of their health.

Mortality Rates:

Breast cancer remains a leading cause of cancer-related deaths among women. In 2020, breast cancer accounted for about 6.9% of all cancer-related deaths worldwide. While advancements in treatment have improved survival rates, early detection remains crucial in enhancing prognosis and increasing survival rates.

The Role of Awareness and Early Detection:

Breast cancer awareness campaigns play a vital role in educating women about the disease, its risk factors, and the significance of early detection. Regular breast self-examinations, clinical breast exams, and mammography screenings are essential in identifying any signs of breast cancer. Early detection allows for prompt medical intervention, leading to better treatment outcomes and improved quality of life.

Protecting Yourself and Your Family:

In addition to understanding breast cancer statistics, it is equally important to protect yourself and your family through legal measures. One of the best ways to protect yourself and your family is by having an up-to-date will in place. Although it is a sensitive matter, it is very important to have peace of mind. Having a valid and up-to-date will ensures that your assets are distributed according to your wishes and provides clarity and guidance for your loved ones during a difficult time. Also, when creating a will, one of the most important aspects to consider is appointing a guardian for your minor children. In the UAE, it is important to have a temporary and permanent guardian. This is important if your permanent guardian is living abroad, then the minor will be placed into the court/police custody. However, by appointing a temporary guardian, they take responsibility of the minor until the permanent guardian arrives.

By engaging the services of a reputable law firm specialising in wills, you can ensure that your legal affairs are in order, providing peace of mind for yourself and your loved ones. Professional guidance and expertise will help you navigate the complexities of estate planning and family law matters, ensuring that your wishes are upheld, and your family’s well-being is safeguarded. At Yungo Law we have experience and expertise in drafting wills, no matter how complex they can be. Our expertise also includes drafting wills for foreign countries.

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